Breast asymmetry, or uneven breast size resulting in development, is extremely common for most women. Noticing that one breast is larger than the other is a common occurrence and completely normal. However, in more extreme cases, severely noticeable uneven breast sizes can cause women to feel self conscious. Here at eSSe Plastic Surgery, it is our goal to provide women with quality care and treatment options for making them feel and look their best. That is why we are proud to offer corrective treatments for benefiting women who want to improve the symmetry of their breasts.
This common concern results in the developmental process that causes a difference in the size and appearance of women’s breasts. It is defined as a difference in the form, position, and breast volume. Most breast asymmetry is completely normal, and may even fluctuate throughout the stages of a woman’s life. Doctors are not completely sure what causes breast asymmetry. However, hormones, medical conditions, and in some cases cancer can be contributing factors. Most breast size differences are unnoticeable. However, if the size difference exceeds more than a full cup size, corrective procedures may be considered.
If you are a woman who is unsatisfied by the noticeable appearance in the symmetry of your breasts, there are effective treatments and procedures for successfully achieving the symmetry you desire. Corrective Solutions can include:
Breast Augmentation
This solution first includes the consideration of your aesthetic goals. Options can include increasing the overall size of your breasts, position, and shape. A standard breast augmentation surgery may include silicone or saline implants for an even and symmetrical look. During a consultation with your medical professional, the best option for addressing your specific concerns can be determined.
Breast Reduction
If you are unsatisfied by one breast being noticeably larger than the other, and you would like to decrease the enlarged breast to match the smaller one, a breast reduction may be an effective procedure for you. The larger breast can be reduced and reshaped in order to achieve even size and shape.
Breast Lift
If the positioning of your breasts is what is causing a lack of symmetry, a breast lift may be a solution to consider. A lift can successfully re-positioned and reshape the breasts to achieve an even alignment.
If you are like many women who are unsatisfied by breast asymmetry, we at eSSe Plastic Surgery can help. It is our goal to help every patient achieve their aesthetic goals for a more radiant and confident you. Contact us today and schedule your consultation!