Say goodbye to those frown lines that nest between the brows, those crow’s feet wrinkling the corners of your eyes and the laugh lines that are not at all funny. Botox is a facial Injectable that is designed to eliminate or improve the appearance of these types of wrinkles.
So what actually happens?
Your doctor will use a number of tiny needles and inject Botox into the problem areas. The procedure takes just 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how much treatment is needed. You can leave immediately after the procedure is done. There’s no need to miss work or change your routine activities. You’ll see improvements in the appearance of wrinkles within seven days after the injection. Results typically last up to six months.
What about after the procedure?
Immediately following the procedure, patients will experience temporary discomfort, bruising and redness at the injection site. Depending on where the Botox is injected, patients may experience headaches, nausea, droopy eyelids, flu-like symptoms and possibly respiratory infection.