Breast Augmentation in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Breast Augmentation is gaining popularity as each year’s advances in medicine make the procedure safer and less invasive. With nearly 350,000 breast augmentations performed in the US alone, women are taking control of the look of their curves by changing size, and shape. or balancing disproportionate breasts.

If you’re considering breast augmentation surgery, you’ll want to know everything that’s involved and what to expect. At eSSe Plastic Surgery, our breast augmentations are performed by Dr. Laura Sudarsky and Dr. Tracey Stokes who have performed countless breast surgeries and will help you meet your individual goals. 

A consultation with our doctors is the first step to getting started. Schedule a complimentary consultation, come in and we’ll discuss your goals regarding the best size and shape for your body type.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a procedure that is performed to increase breast size or to make the breasts more symmetrical. By inserting breast implants filled with silicone or saline, we can help you achieve your aesthetic goals whether you are looking for full and rounded breasts or natural-looking breasts with more subtle volume.

What Can a Breast Augmentation Achieve?

Increased Breast Size

For patients who have smaller breasts, breast augmentation can help them achieve their desired volume. Implants come in many different sizes, allowing patients to choose a size that fits what they have in mind. Breast implants can be used to subtly increase volume or to create a more augmented look.

Improved Breast Shape

Breast implants can be used to change the shape of the breasts as well as give them more volume. Breast implants come in different shapes so you can choose between tear-drop-shaped breasts or breasts that are more rounded at the top.

Improved Breast Symmetry

If you struggle to find bras that fit because your breasts are two different sizes, this can be resolved through breast augmentation. We can use different-sized implants in each breast or only use one implant depending on what is recommended for your unique situation

Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is the use of breast implants to reconstruct breasts following a mastectomy. By using special techniques, we help women who have been through breast cancer or breast injury to have beautiful and natural-looking breasts again.

Breast Augmentation Before and After

What Happens During a Breast Augmentation?

During a breast augmentation, your surgeon will put you under anesthesia and then make an incision. The size and location of the incision will depend on what you and your doctor decide as well as what type of implant you are getting. A cavity will be made for the implant and then it will be inserted.

Typically an implant is inserted either behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle. Breast implants can be placed in different positions and come in various shapes, sizes, and materials. You’ll discuss all of your options with your doctor ahead of time.

Once the implant is in place and is filled to the correct volume (if a saline implant), your surgeon will close the incision and wrap the area in bandages. Then you will rest in a recovery room before being discharged.

Our breast augmentation procedures are performed in the hospital ambulatory surgery suite where you are safe and monitored by board-certified anesthesiologists. The procedure usually takes two hours.

What Types of Breast Implants Are Available?

Saline Implants

Saline implants start as empty silicone shells. Once they are in the body, they are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. This type of implant can usually be inserted using a smaller incision since they are filled after being placed in the body. Saline implants can often result in the most augmented look which is desirable for patients who want a bigger change. Saline implants also prevent silent rupture because any rupture of the silicone shell will be immediately noticeable because of the instant deflation of the breast.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are filled with silicone gel. This gel is made to feel similar to regular breast tissue which can make for an augmentation that looks and feels more natural. Silicone implants come in so many different shapes, sizes, and profiles that it can be overwhelming. However, at our practice, we make sure you find the right option for you with our consultations.

Gummy Bear Implants

Gummy bear implants are a specific type of silicone implant that has a more cohesive interior. The silicone on the inside has a texture similar to a gummy bear, which is where it gets its name. These implants hold their shape regardless of your body position and if they rupture, the cohesive gel will stay in place. Gummy bear implants are firm but still soft to the touch.

Extra Large Implants

At our practice, we are able to help women who want larger breasts achieve their goals. We use several different techniques to achieve extra-large implants including multiple surgeries that increase implant size and tissue expanders. If you are interested in extra large implants that are 800cc or higher, you can discuss your options with us in a consultation. 

What Happens After Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Besides looking gorgeous, your breasts will be sore, bruised, and swollen due to the stretching of the skin and the incisions. We advise our patients not to do any heavy lifting following the procedure. Before you’re able to break out the sexy bras, you’ll need to wear a surgical bra for a few weeks. Typically, you’ll be back to work within a week and back to your normal routine within a few weeks after surgery. Depending on the type of surgery performed, we may advise you to stay away from certain exercises for up to six months post-surgery.

Breast Lift and Augmentation

If you have breasts that are sagging and also look deflated or lacking in volume, we can solve both problems with a breast lift and augmentation. An augmentation will restore lost volume in the breasts while a breast lift will lift the tissue up and raise the nipple-areola complex into a better position.

Breast Augmentation Surgeries in Ft. Lauderdale, FL

If you are interested in breast augmentation surgery in Ft. Lauderdale and you want to know if you are a good candidate, reach out to us today. At eSSe Plastic Surgery, we have many different options that can augment your breasts, restore symmetry, and improve their shape. Call us or book a consultation online.