
What Is an Extended Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgery that individuals may be interested in if they are looking to address excess skin or fat around the abdominal region. For many, this procedure provides the correction they want after significant weight loss or post-pregnancy changes. However, for those with even more pronounced concerns such as severe excess skin, heightened fat deposits, or extensive muscle separation and weakness, a standard tummy tuck may not be the right option.

In these situations, the extended tummy tuck may be the option we recommend. This procedure offers a more comprehensive approach, specifically tailored for patients with these intensified concerns. At eSSe Plastic Surgery in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, we approach each case with a dedication to understanding the patient’s vision. Through a collaborative relationship, we strive to achieve outstanding outcomes that align with both the patient’s desires and the expertise we bring to the table.

The Basics of an Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended tummy tuck offers a broader approach compared to the standard abdominoplasty. Though each targets enhancing the abdomen’s shape, the extended variant fine-tunes both the front of the abdomen and its adjoining areas, including the flanks and, at times, the lower back region. This method can offer a balanced and all-encompassing transformation, particularly beneficial for those with surplus skin or fat that is present in more than one area of the midsection.

What Is the Difference Between the Different Types of Tummy Tucks?

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck focuses on the region below the navel. This abdominoplasty surgery is less invasive than others, targeting only a limited portion of the abdomen to remove minor excess skin and possibly tighten the muscles in the lower part of the tummy. It can be the right treatment for individuals who have minimal skin sagging or protrusion in the lower abdominal area.

Full Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck addresses the entire abdominal area, both above and below the navel. Unlike the extended tummy tuck, this procedure primarily focuses on the front of the abdomen. Patients undergoing a full tummy tuck can expect the removal of excess skin, tightening of abdominal muscles, and sometimes the repositioning of the navel for optimal results.

Extended Tummy Tuck

Of the three types, the extended tummy tuck offers the most comprehensive approach. Offering 360-degree benefits, this tummy tuck surgery can rectify pronounced skin sagging or fatty accumulations, ensuring a smoother and more streamlined silhouette spanning the entire midsection.

The Procedure of an Extended Tummy Tuck

Pre-Surgery Consultation and Preparation

Prior to your tummy tuck procedure, you will have a consultation with us. In this session, we’ll be able to decide which type of abdominoplasty is best for you. We can also make sure you have the right health status and goals for this particular surgery.


Safety and comfort are paramount for us. This is why your tummy tuck will be performed in our state-of-the-art surgical suites, where you will be placed under general anesthesia. This is closely monitored by our board-certified anesthesiologists.

Placement of the Incisions

An incision is carefully made, extending from the lower abdomen and around the flanks. The positioning and length of this incision depend on your unique anatomy and the extent of the correction required. Our aim is to ensure scars are as discreet as possible, typically allowing them to be concealed beneath underwear or swimwear.

Removal of Excess Skin and Fat

Once the incision is in place, the excess skin and unwanted fat are removed. This step of the abdominoplasty is critical in achieving a flatter, more toned abdominal appearance. The precision employed here plays a significant role in the final aesthetic outcome.

Tightening of the Abdominal Muscles

Over time, the abdominal muscles can become stretched or separated, usually due to factors like pregnancy or significant weight changes. During the abdominoplasty surgery, these muscles are tightened and sutured together. This not only enhances the abdomen’s contour but also often improves core strength and posture.

Closing of the Incisions

To conclude the extended tummy tuck, your incisions are carefully closed using sutures. This ensures optimal healing and minimal scarring. Post-operative instructions and care measures are then provided to guide you through a smooth recovery process.

Post-Surgery Steps and Care

Immediately After Surgery

Once the surgery is over, we’ll move you to a recovery room so you can be closely monitored as your anesthesia wears off. Because of your anesthesia, you’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home post-surgery. You should also set up a comfortable recovery space at home that has all of your recovery essentials and comfort items that might be needed within arm’s reach.

Recovery During the First Week

In the first few days after your tummy tuck procedure, it’s normal to experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising. You should rest as much as possible, avoiding any strenuous activities. We may recommend going on short walks to speed up recovery and prevent blood clots.

Recovery in the First Month

As your recovery continues, you’ll notice yourself gradually feeling better with a decrease in swelling. You’ll still need to continue following post-operative instructions, including wearing compression garments as recommended. Light activities can be resumed, but heavy lifting or intense exercises should still be avoided.

Long-Term Recovery and Results

While some results from the tummy tuck can be observed almost immediately, the most noticeable and flattering outcomes usually become evident around three months post-surgery. However, it’s worth noting that it can take up to a year for swelling to completely go away and for you to see your final results. With proper care and adherence to guidelines, the results can be long-lasting, providing a contoured and refined silhouette.

Learn More About Extended Tummy Tucks Through Our Personalized Consultations

Opting for an extended tummy tuck can be a transformative decision, especially for those looking for comprehensive results beyond what a standard procedure offers. At eSSe Plastic Surgery, the aesthetic goals of each of our patients are important to us, which is why we take so much time to match the service to the patient. If you are wondering what the best surgery would be to enhance your abdominal contour, reach out to us at (954) 800-2163 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation.

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