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What Is the Recovery Time for a Thigh Lift?

Having a thigh lift is a great way to have more confidence in your appearance. However, most people don’t think about how much time they will need off work after getting this procedure done. The good news is that at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, FL, we offer this procedure safely and effectively and help you plan for your recovery well in advance.

What Is the Recovery Time for a Thigh Lift?

Understand What It Is

A thigh lift, otherwise known as a thighplasty, is used to correct drooping skin and fat on the upper thighs. A thighplasty can be done alone or combined with other procedures depending on your goals. For some women who experience significant sagging in their outer thighs after pregnancy, weight loss, or aging–a combination of techniques like liposuction and thighplasty can restore these areas to near-perfect proportions.

The Recovery Time

The recovery time is typically about two to four weeks. This means you will need to take time off from work and avoid strenuous activities during the first few days after surgery. It’s important that you know what our surgeon expects regarding recovery so you can set realistic goals and not be disappointed if your progress takes longer than expected.

Factors That Could Affect the Recovery Time

The healing process is dependent on the individual and their health. Every individual has unique health and medical histories, making it impossible to give a specific timeline for recovery.

Health issues such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes can prolong the time patients recover from this procedure. In addition, any surgeries you have previously undergone may affect your ability to heal quickly after the procedure. Some medications taken during surgery might also hinder your body’s natural healing process by prolonging how long it takes to reach full strength again.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Someone who has recently undergone weight loss surgery will likely benefit most from this procedure since much of their excess tissue will be gone, leaving behind saggy arms/legs. This surgery is also effective for those who have given birth and may require a little more tissue removal.

In addition, a thighplasty can also be effective for those experiencing medical conditions such as lipedema, where fat deposits accumulate in their lower extremities, causing swelling and discomfort when moving around.

What Surgery Is Like

The surgery is done under local or general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep during the procedure. The surgeon makes a small incision near your groin area and removes unwanted skin from around your thighs. This process works to tighten sagging skin on the top of thighs that has lost its elasticity.

How to Prepare for the Surgery

If you’re considering undergoing this procedure, you should start by preparing yourself physically and mentally. Before surgery, you will need to see one of our physicians so we can evaluate whether or not this procedure is right for you. During that appointment, it would be helpful if you share any concerns with us and let us know what realistic results you’re expecting from the surgery.

You should also tell us about other health conditions that impact your decision, such as heart disease and diabetes. Such conditions might increase the risk of swelling and infection after the surgery, which could prolong healing time. Also, it’s essential to prepare your home and schedule by having someone stay with you for at least the first week. You might even consider staying in a hotel or some other place that would allow you to recuperate uninterruptedly.

After Surgery Care

You will probably remain at the facility where you had your procedure for one or two days, then go home with pain medication, antibiotics, compression garments on both thighs, and extensive follow-up instructions. Our doctor will discuss all aspects of wound care with you before being discharged from the hospital.

What Does Thighplasty Correct?

Thighplasty is used to correct any thigh-related problems related to size, shape, or skin excess. This surgery is used for different conditions like:

  • Lost volume in the thigh area
  • Sagging of inner or outer thigh areas
  • Loose skin after significant weight loss
  • An unevenness of hips and thighs

These are only some examples that this procedure may correct. If you feel there is more than one condition affecting your body, discuss options at length with us to decide on which procedures would best benefit you individually. These surgeries could potentially include liposuction along with abdominoplasty if needed.

Different Types of Thigh Lift

There are different types of thighplasty, and we will discuss which is best for your needs. The five most common types of thighplasty are:

Inner (Medial) Thighplasty

This is one of the most common types of this cosmetic surgery. The procedure removes excess skin and fat from the inner thighs, just below the groin area. It will also tighten/firm up your muscles so that you can have firmer-looking legs without all of the saggy skin hanging down.

Mini Thighplasty

This procedure is performed for women who have very little excess skin in their inner thighs but need to tighten the muscles in this area. It involves a shorter incision and a faster recovery period. This is usually a resourceful procedure that can give you the best results in a short amount of time while making sure to provide comfort during your recovery phase.

Outer (Bilateral) Thighplasty

This is a great option for women who have lost quite a bit of weight and need to get their thighs up higher on the leg. It involves making incisions around both legs, above the knee area, to remove excess skin from the outer part of your thighs.

Vertical Thighplasty

This is a perfect option that involves making incisions from hip bone to knee to remove excess skin from your inner or outer thighs, depending on where you want them lifted more.

Lift with Liposuction

Another great option is to combine a thigh lift with liposuction to remove excess fat and skin, leaving no loose spots or sagging areas.

Benefits of Thighplasty

This procedure is commonly performed for patients looking to achieve an overall slimmer silhouette, have loose skin in the inner or outer thighs, or fatty deposits around their midsection. Let’s discuss some other benefits of undergoing this procedure.

Improves Self Confidence

The inner or outer thighs can be a particularly difficult area for some people to deal with. When the skin is sagging, it contributes to an overall droopy look and makes you feel self-conscious about your appearance in tight clothes such as short skirts or shorts. A thighplasty will remove excess skin and tighten up this part of your body so that you can get back out there feeling more confident in whatever attire you choose.

Relieves Rashes on the Undersurface of the Thigh

Skin becomes thin and wrinkly as we get older. If you have a lot of excess skin on the inner or outer thigh, it can become very irritating and cause rashes to form between your thighs, along with severe itching. This procedure will remove this extra skin so that there aren’t any more uncomfortable symptoms.

Removes the Dimpled, Cellulite Look of the Thighs

Another benefit of a thighplasty is that it can help tighten and smooth out the surface of your thighs. Cellulite forms on the body when fatty deposits push up against connective tissue, which creates an irregular texture in your skin. This cosmetic procedure will remove these extra layers to give you back a healthy look.

Adds to Weightloss Efforts

A thighplasty can also be a great addition to your weight loss efforts and give you the extra boost that you need. The skin on our body has an elasticity to it which allows it to expand and contract depending on how much weight we gain or lose. By eliminating excess tissue here, however, many people find that they are able to shed pounds faster than before.

Get the Sexy Thighs You Want

A thighplasty can be used to tighten and reshape the thighs. It is best for those who have a moderate amount of excess skin, as well as loose muscles or fatty tissues on their legs. The recovery time will depend on how much work needs to be done. Come visit us at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and we can help you decide if a thigh lift surgery is the right choice to get your youthful thighs back.

Eric Rion

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