Before you decide if breast implants are right for you, it is extremely important for you to take the time to learn about breast augmentation and the different types of breast implants that are available. You want to understand all of the pros and cons of each type and make sure that you find the one that is right for you. Individuals who feel most satisfied with their appearance after breast augmentation are those who had a realistic idea of what the procedure could do for them, as well as those who weighed out all of their options. Some women prefer smaller implants, and others prefer extra large implants. The choice is ultimately up to you.
One concern that many of our clients have is about how long it will take for them to recover from breast augmentation surgery. Of course, the answer to this question is going to depend on your surgery and your overall health. However, most individuals are able to get back to normal life relatively quickly.
So, how do you know if you want breast implants and which type are right for you? Well, do you feel unsatisfied with the appearance of your breasts? If you answer yes to this question, you are likely a good candidate for the procedure. If your breasts are not to the same size, an implant may be able to help. Or if you have always felt very bad about having a small chest size, extra large breast implants may be right for you.
At eSSe Plastic Surgery, we understand that breast augmentation is not one-size-fits-all. What works for one woman is not going to work for another woman. For that reason, we are proud to offer our patients the option of extra large breast implants. Some women just want more, and extra large breast implants allow them to achieve just that.
During a consultation with us, our surgeon can examine your breasts and help you determine if extra large breast implants are plausible for you. Our surgeon will be your guide, helping to give you a realistic idea of what your end results will look like.
If you are interested in breast augmentation, get in touch with us at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale. We will answer all of the questions you have about breast implants and show you how they can improve your confidence and appearance. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more!