When it comes to breast implant procedures, you usually hear about women who have chosen to enhance their breasts for a variety of reasons. However, sometimes the reverse is a possibility. Breast implant removal is also a common procedure. It involves reversing a breast augmentation procedure to return a woman’s bust to its previous condition. If you have had breast implants and you are seriously thinking about removal, you are not alone. Consider some of the typical reasons why people opt for breast implant removal.
You’re Experiencing Leakage
Whether you have saline or silicone implants, there is always the possibility that leakage can occur. Saline can be absorbed into the body without causing harm, while there is the possibility of complications when silicone leaks into your system. Once leakage occurs, you are going to have asymmetrical breasts. You can choose to go through surgery in order to insert a new implant. Otherwise, you may decide it’s time for the implants to go to spare yourself the expense and frustration every time an implant leaks.
You’re a Victim of Capsular Contracture
Capsular contracture is a common complication that affects many patients after breast implant surgery. Bands of scar tissue form around the implants and cause the implants to shift into an unnatural position that is not attractive. You are either going to need corrective surgery to repair the problem or you may decide that you have had enough of implants altogether.
Your Body Has Changed
Over time, your body is bound to go through changes. You may gain or lose weight. When these changes occur, your breasts may no longer look in proportion with the rest of your figure. This is the point that breast implant removal may be the most practical solution to achieve balance in your figure.
You’re Not Happy with Your Implants
You don’t know what you will really look like with breast implants until you actually have them. In the end, you may not be satisfied with your results or you may change your mind in time. It is your body and you have a right to choose breast implant removal. You may have been content at first only to decide that implants are not for you. Only time will tell.
Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About Breast Implant Removal
These are just some of the reasons why breast implant removal may be performed. If you have breast implants and you are thinking about breast implant removal, discuss your case with our plastic surgeon at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale. Our surgeon can examine your bust and listen to your concerns. If you decide that implant removal is still the best option to suit your needs, you can schedule your procedure. Contact us today to set up a consultation to get started.