For many men and women, suffering from stubborn fat is the worst experience. They’ve hit the gym every day and sacrificed delicious food for their diet. Yet despite all of these hard decisions and commitment, the fat just doesn’t seem to go away. Stubborn fat is typically found in the tummy and thigh area. Because of these unfortunate locations, many men and women are quite self-conscious about their bodies. Not reaping the benefits of their hard work can be quite discouraging, too. As a result, some men and women may choose to give up and return to their earlier habits. Instead of giving up, you should consider liposuction. This procedure has a long history of success when it comes to removing stubborn fat. Understandably, you may not know much about lipo or if it is right for you. We will answer some of the most common questions about the procedure that you may want to know.
What is Lipo?
Perhaps the first question that you face is what liposuction even is. Perhaps you’ve watched a few shows on TV that featured the procedure, but you’re still unsure of what it does exactly. First, it should be clarified that liposuction is not a weight loss option. It doesn’t suddenly make you lose weight. Instead, lipo removes and breaks down the fat layer in certain areas of the body. Essentially, it removes fat. This fat is typically part of those stubborn areas that refuse to be broken down either through diet or exercise.
Traditional lipo isn’t the only kind of liposuction that you can have performed either. However, more information about other procedures will come later. In terms of traditional lipo, it’s simply focused on removing fat from stubborn areas.
Where Can You Have It Performed?
Understandably, many people think that liposuction can only be performed on the tummy. That may have been true when lipo was first invented, but it has since evolved. These days, you can also have the procedure performed on your chin if you suffer from a double chin. It can also be used on your back or your neck. For those who suffer from flabby arms, liposuction can be performed on the bottom part of your arms. For women who have a lot of fat in their breasts, lipo can even be used on their breasts.
Another big area that a lot of people have lipo performed on are their thighs. The area which is typically covered by a bra strap is another area that women sometimes have lipo used on. The area which is commonly referred to as the “muffin top” can also have lipo to reduce the amount of fat that hangs over the waist. Love handles are also another area that can find relief with lipo. Men who have a lot of fat in their chest to the point of developing breasts can also have lipo performed to remove that fat.
There are a few unique areas that can be treated with lipo, too. The ankles, upper back, and inner thigh are all areas that can be treated with lipo under certain circumstances. Clearly, what can and can’t be helped is typically relative to the individual, their health, and their expectations.
Who is an Ideal Candidate?
If you’re thinking about having liposuction performed on your body, then you may wonder if you’re an ideal candidate. After all, the point of lipo isn’t to lose weight. So, who is it for? The best candidates are those who are close to their ideal weight already. They’ve worked out hard and dieted to get as close to the weight that they want. They just also have a few pockets of stubborn fat that refuse to break down. Ideal candidates are also nonsmokers.
The kind of fat that a person possesses is also important. Ideal candidates have a lot of subcutaneous fat instead of visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fat which exists between the skin and the muscle. Visceral fat is the fat which exists below the muscles and within the abdominal organs.
Another aspect that plays into how ideal a candidate is for lipo is the health of the skin. Those who have elastic and healthy skin are typically the best candidates. The reason for this is because it lowers the risk of having dimpled or uneven skin afterward.
How Much Fat Can Be Removed?
Since the focus of the procedure is not to remove weight but rather fat, how much fat can actually be removed? The answer to that is highly relative to the patient and the area in which the fat is being removed. For example, for someone who has a lot of fat in their abdominal area, the answer might be quite large. Yet someone who is seeking treatment on their arms may only have a small amount of fat removed. Ultimately, the answer depends on the area, the health of the patient, and the aesthetic goals that the patient is aiming for, among other factors.
What are the Preparation Steps Before Surgery?
Before the surgery takes place, there are a few steps that a patient has to take. The first is usually to ensure that the patient can receive anesthesia without any problem arising. Also, there are certain medications that can affect how well the surgery goes. Those, as well as blood thinners, are typically stopped a set amount of time before the surgery. How far ahead you need to stop taking those medications and thinners will be something that you discuss with our doctor. It’s vital that you inform the team of all medications and thinners that are you currently taking.
What Occurs During the Procedure?
During the actual procedure, the fat is skillfully and carefully removed from the body. Liposuction is considered outpatient surgery. This means that despite the use of general or local anesthesia, the patient is able to return home after the surgery is over. In some cases, the doctor may want you to remain for a set amount of time to ensure that your body is healing properly.
What is the Recovery Process Like?
The patient will receive specific instructions from the doctor about how to handle recovery. These instructions are typically specific to each individual and often have to do with what area was treated and how much fat was removed. In most cases, however, recovery typically takes weeks. However, many patients are able to return to work and their other activities just days after the surgery has been performed.
Certain lifestyle choices can also determine how quickly your recovery process takes. For example, those who rest a lot will likely notice that their healing goes by a lot faster than those who try to get back to work as quickly as possible. You should also refrain from smoking as this can impact how quickly you heal. Another simple method that you can utilize to improve your recovery time is to stay hydrated. Essentially, if you follow the instructions that our doctor provides and utilize common sense, your recovery process should be quite quick and easy.
Is There Scarring?
As with any surgery, there may be some scars. However, the tools that are used are extremely small. Our skilled surgeon is typically quite good at using locations that can hide the presence of scars in order to minimize any scarring.
What Results Can I Expect?
Because liposuction involves the removal of fat rather than just weight in general, it can be difficult to know what the expectations are going to be like. Essentially, you should expect a trimmer and tighter figure in the area that the fat was removed from. This is because lipo removed those fat cells. That area can no longer carry fat in them. However, it is possible for fat cells to be regrown through unhealthy dietary choices.
As such, if you wish to maintain your trim and tightened figure, then you need to continue making healthy choices in your diet. Also, it may take some time before full results can be clearly seen. This is because the skin needs to heal first. Exercise is also required to continue to shape and contour the body.
However, with lipo, patients can typically help themselves remove otherwise stubborn fat from their bodies. This results in a contoured shape that closely matches the aesthetic appearance that they wished for.
How is Lipo Different from a Tummy Tuck?
Understandably, those who are interested in receiving liposuction might also be considering a tummy tuck instead. So, what’s the difference? A tummy tuck is similar to lipo in that it actually involves some fat removal during its procedure. However, a tummy tuck also includes the removal of skin and tightening of muscle.
What Kind of Lipo Procedures are There?
Besides traditional lipo, there are also other procedures and techniques that can make the surgery easier and more effective depending on the area being operated on and the amount of fat that needs to be removed. As discussed above, the procedure can be combined with other treatments like a tummy tuck and much more in order to provide even further contouring of the treatment area.
Where Can I Go for the Surgery?
If you’re interested in finally getting rid of stubborn fat in your body, then you can turn to our team at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale. We provide expert and efficient liposuction procedures that can help you finally realize your aesthetic goals. You’ve already put in the hard work to achieve your goals. Don’t let yourself get burned out when you can’t seem to get rid of the remaining fat. Instead, allow our experienced surgeon to help you take the final step towards a tighter and trimmer figure. It’s time to finally remove the fat that is causing your problems. Contact us today to book your consultation!