There are many reasons to consider a breast lift procedure. Not only does age and gravity eventually take their toll, but weight loss can also leave you with a sagging bust. Some women are also just “built low” from puberty. Fortunately, a breast lift procedure can put your breasts higher on the chest wall, which not only improves aesthetics, but can also help with back and shoulder pain. If you’re considering a breast lift, there are several aspects that deserve your attention before you make a final decision.
The Breast Lift Procedure
There are different surgical approaches our surgeon may use to lift the breasts higher permanently. Our surgeon will explain her approach and why it fits your individual case during an initial consultation at our office in Fort Lauderdale. Speaking in generalities, the procedure is always done under general anesthesia in the comfort of our surgical suite. During a typical procedure, our surgeon removes excess skin and, possibly, excess tissue. After the breasts are once again high and firm, you are taken to a recovery room to wake up and get your bearings before going home.
Recovering from a Breast Lift
The first few days after surgery are usually when the most discomfort is felt. Make sure to follow our team’s instructions regarding your recovery for optimal healing. Most patients are able to return to work within about one week. Once you have fully recovered, you won’t believe what a difference this procedure has made in your life.
Back and Shoulder Pain Relief
Women who have already been assured that they are not suffering from arthritis, disc degeneration or other skeletal issues sometimes turn to a breast reduction to give their back less work to do. A lift can work the same way, especially if you have elongated, heavy breasts. By placing the weight higher on the chest wall, you may notice your back and shoulder pain decreasing or stopping entirely.
Talk to Our Team of Professionals
Deciding to undergo a breast lift is a serious decision that you won’t want to make lightly. If you have questions or would like a professional opinion regarding your case, schedule a consultation at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale. Our plastic surgeon would be happy to evaluate your breasts and help you determine if a breast lift can help you.
It’s time to finally do something about your drooping breasts. Contact us today to book your appointment.