Back pain has many different causes. Weak or strained muscles, inflamed tendons, lack of muscle tone, herniated discs or even cysts along the spine can leave you in agony. While back surgery, physical therapy or an exercise routine may be able to help with some of these issues, some women are still in pain after treatments. This can be frustrating.
If you have large breasts, the weight of them may indeed be the source of your back pain. If you’ve already explored other causes and your spine is healthy, a breast reduction may be the cure you’ve been looking for.
Understanding the Role of Breast Size in Back Pain
When you tell a doctor your back hurts, the back itself may be the first thing to be examined. For some women, it’s immediately obvious that the size of the breasts is the problem.
Muscles and tendons in the shoulders may be tight and suffering from spasms, or your spine may be rounding out due to the weight. For other women, the cause isn’t immediately obvious. Sometimes, the trouble is in the lower back, as the woman has spent years locking her lower back to hold her breasts upright and shoulders back.
Some women experience a combination of these problems. No matter what the issue, reducing the size and weight of a woman’s breasts will decrease demands on the spine and the surrounding tissues.
The Surgical Procedure
Breast reduction surgery is done while the patient is fully anaesthetized. The actual technique used to decrease the size of the breasts depends on the surgeon.
Incisions are made, tissue is removed and then the incisions are closed. Our surgeon will discuss the exact technique to be used before you choose a surgery date.
Recovering from a Breast Reduction
You will need a responsible adult to assist you with your daily activities of living. You may find it hard to bathe or wash your hair. Most women recover over a period of four to six weeks and return to work when they feel ready.
Schedule a Consultation
If you’re experiencing back pain and have narrowed the source down to your large breasts, a breast reduction may be the option to end the pain once and for all.
To discuss your options, contact eSSe Plastic Surgery today to set up a confidential consultation. We proudly serve the Fort Lauderdale area, and we will be happy to assist you!