Most individuals try to look their best no matter how old they are. Looking your best at any age is really going to depend on your age, your circumstances, your personality and what you have available to you. For example, look at individuals who are in their teenage years or in their twenties. In comparison to older individuals, these people have the best skin and the best looks. However, to them, looking their best usually means that they have a tan. It is not until the same individuals get a little bit older that looking their best means reversing sun damage.
As a person gets older, they will use a variety of different cosmetic treatments and procedures to help them look their best for their age. In a person’s younger years, they may use some treatments that are non-invasive, like chemical peels, dermal fillers and BOTOX®, in order to have smooth skin that is free of blemishes. However, most individuals reach a point where their skin does not respond any longer to these treatments and they need to do something that is a little bit more invasive.
It is usually not until a person is in their late forties or early fifties that they start thinking about a facelift. One of the very best results that you are going to see after getting a facelift is that you will not have as much loose skin. Unfortunately, as we get older, we begin to lose facial volume, our skin begins to stretch because it does not have as much elasticity and all the years of gravity and environmental factors really begin to take their toll. A person’s face will look worn out, and they will have sagging skin under their eyes, on their cheeks and all the way down their neck. A facelift can be just what you need to tighten saggy skin.
The best way for you to learn more about a facelift and to determine if this is a surgical procedure that is right for you is to schedule a consultation at eSSe Plastic Surgery. When you come in, we are going to ask you about the things in your appearance that you do not like. We will go over all of the different options that are available with you and help you determine the right procedure that will help you to address these. If a facelift is the best option for your particular circumstances, we will describe how the procedure is done and give you information in order to help you prepare for the procedure.
While determining if you are a good candidate for a facelift, our medical professionals are going to look at your overall health. The better health you have, the better results you will get from a facelift. Also, they are going to look at the condition of your skin. The condition of your skin is really going to be a determining factor in the results that you get from a facelift. We may also recommend that you have other procedures done in combination with a facelift to give you the best results.
You don’t have to live with your saggy facial skin. During a consultation with the experts at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale, you can find out if you are a good candidate for a facelift. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.