OK, raise your hand if you’ve heard of a pill, cream, injection or some crazy treatment that magically melts fat?
OK now, keep that hand raised if you fell for it and actually rubbed that cream on, got that needle in your behind or swallowed a bunch of pills hoping that stubborn belly fat would just evaporate before your big-wide eyes.
OK put that tired arm down and be prepared for your little jaw to drop.
It’s finally here, the real deal — a device that melts fat with no surgery, no downtime, no pain — no kidding!
No, you’re not dreaming – I’ll pinch you.
Apparently someone traveled back to the future, broke into Judy Jetson’s closet and stole this amazing contraption and brought it back to Fort Lauderdale.
Putting it right into the capable hands of Dr. Laura Sudarsky and Dr. Tracey Stokes at eSSe where is being offered — exclusively in Fort Lauderdale.
No Way!
Yes, Way!
Just this past June, science fiction became real science when the FDA approved the groundbreaking Vanquish treatment. Essentially Vanquish uses breakthrough technology, radio-frequency (RF) to permanently destroy fat. The completely painless procedure takes about 45 minutes.
Here’s what happens.
The patient lies comfortably with a panel hovering over the treated area, like your belly. The Vanquish applicator panels do not make direct contact with the skin. Patients will typically feel a warming sensation, but never any pain. It’s so safe and effective, the procedure can be done once a week. Our protocol involves treatment once a week for four consecutive weeks.
Patients are instructed to drink plenty of water which helps flush the remnants of the dead fat cells out of the system. Once dead and gone, fat cells cannot come back, this is a permanent loss as Dr. Stokes explains:
“Results are long lasting because the fat cells are killed without damaging the overlying skin or underlying muscle,” said Dr. Stokes. “The dead fat cells are filtered through the lymphatics, metabolized in the liver, and eliminated. They cannot come back. Remaining fat cells will get larger if patient gains a lot of weight.”
Results are stunning — in 4-6 treatments patients will lose between 1.5 and 4 inches.
You may have heard of this recently when Whoopie Goldberg, who participated in the clinical trials, revealed a slimmer silhouette on the View and showed viewers just how she vanquished her mid-section. Whoopie’s rave reviews had people talking on the View and they’re still stunned.
Seeing is believing and you can see some of the reveals here.
(lets use the new Vanquish page on the eSSe website: https://esseplasticsur.wpengine.com/vanquish/)
Vanquish is safe for nearly everyone.
“Vanquish treatments are safe for all healthy patients who want to take control of their core and improve the problem areas when exercise and diet have failed,” said Dr. Stokes. “This is an option for those who desire aesthetic improvement without the cost and recovery time of surgery.”
Vanquish is not for patients who have metal implants, are pregnant, nursing, or have certain other medical conditions that we’ll discuss prior to treatment to ensure that Vanquish is safe for you.
But the proof is in the pudding, so let’s ask the experts, our very own renown plastic surgeons Dr. Laura Sudarsky and Dr. Tracey Stokes.
“Vanquish has no down time, no anesthesia, no bleeding, no pain, no post op garment and no bruises,” said Dr. Laura Sudarsky. “So if you want fat removed without all the above, Vanquish is for you.”
How is melting your fat better than freezing your fat as in Coolsculpting®?
“I like Vanquish more than Coolsculpting®,” said Dr. Stokes. “The Vanquish applicator covers a larger area – 18 times larger than the Coolsculpting® hand piece, so it takes a lot less time. Vanquish is painless – the three handle head hovers over your abdomen or back or butt or thighs or arms and emits a radio frequency which selectively heats up the fat and causes apoptosis. Coolsculpting® is more uncomfortable — the vacuum applicator sucks the fat in and freezes it which causes the fat to freeze and die.”
Although very dramatic results still come from surgery, Dr. Stokes is happy to be able to offer her patients a non-surgical option that yields very noticeable results in its own right.
“There is still a role for surgery — liposuction or a tummy tuck for maximum results but both have risks of surgery and long recovery,” said Dr. Stokes. “I am glad that now there are effective options for targeted fat melting for women and men who do not have the down time for surgery.”
You know it’s a real, viable option when your own doctors are doing it — and bringing their husband’s along for the ride.
“We are both in the middle of treatments and loving it,” said Dr. Stokes. “Our husbands are too — all four of us love watching the inches come off.”
Want to banish the bulge for good? Come talk to us about your options. For more information visit us at eSSe, 6333 North Federal Highway, Suite 404 in Ft. Lauderdale or call, (954) 533-1671 to schedule an appointment.