You’ve always been content with the size of your breasts. You never complained. You felt good about the way that you looked. But that has changed. Whether you had children and went through nursing, you’ve experienced fluctuations in weight, or you are going through menopause, it can affect your breasts. You’ve noticed that they are sagging. It seemed to sneak up on you by surprise. Now the only way you can look perky is with a bra. You want to look in the mirror and be happy with your figure once again. If you live in Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, or the surrounding area, consider a breast lift procedure at eSSe Plastic Surgery.
What Does a Breast Lift Involve?
A breast lift is different from breast implant surgery. You’re not trying to make your breasts larger. You just want them to be perky again. During this procedure, our plastic surgeon will go in and reshape your breast tissue. Your excess skin can be removed. Once your procedure is over and you have fully recovered, it will look like you reclaimed your youthful breasts once again.
Is a Breast Lift the Right Option for You?
A breast lift allows you to have the breasts of your youth. If you are experiencing a lack of elasticity in your skin due to aging, a breast lift can help. If you have gained and lost weight, this procedure can take care of sagging breasts. A breast lift allows you to have perkier breasts after the strain of pregnancy and nursing. Consider this option when you are happy with your body, but you don’t like how your breasts have started to droop.
Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon in Fort Lauderdale
The best way to find out if a breast lift is the way to go is to see our plastic surgeon at eSSe Plastic Surgery in Fort Lauderdale. We proudly serve clients in the Pompano Beach and surrounding areas. A breast lift can help you to feel like you look your best. Find out how the procedure can work for you when you make an appointment with our plastic surgeon. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started!