By #labialadydoc
DO I have a camel toe?? How come my labia are slipping out of my bikini? I had a waxing done and the hot wax got stuck on my labia. When she ripped the wax off, my labia ripped too: got 3 stitches. What is wrong with my “lady parts“??
These are some of the questions patients ask when coming to see me about having labiaplasty surgery. Some say when they pee, they have to hold their labia out of the way. When they have sex, the labia get in the way. When they look in the mirror, they see hanging tissue. They fear there is something wrong, and their partner will see them as deformed. I say when your partner gets down there, there is only one thing they are looking at and it isn’t the length of your labia!
Labia come in all shapes and sizes; all are normal variations. What most women are bothered about is labia show; where your labia minora hang below the labia majora. This is normal but can be uncomfortable and if you feel self-conscious about it, we can fix it with surgery called labiaplasty. Labiaplasty surgery reduces the amount of hanging labia minor and improves labia show. The surgery takes about 1-2 hours and is done as an outpatient. It can be performed in combination with other plastic surgeries too. Post operatively NO SEX for 6 weeks, no thongs, no skinny jeans. Go commando and enjoy!
For more information check out my website videos.